What is RARA?
Founded in 2008 by Sam Potts, Joe Swift and Dan Nation on a £2000 credit card and continually evolving with minimal resources ever since. R.A.R.A. now offers desk spaces, a workshop, ceramics facilities, digital fabrication and an impressive range of shared materials and resources.
Independent and entirely unfunded, our fees remain cheaper than any equivalent space and we maintain few limitations on access and activity. Our facilities are available 24/7 so that any making impulse, self initiated projects or side hustles can be pursued into the small hours by night owls and those who have to fit life around the ‘proper job’ / ever present and growing struggle to ensure our landlords get richer by the month.
We have recently initiated a weekly community art therapy group for people with insecure immigration status giving those who struggle to access even the most basic of services a theraputic space for creative expression and hands on learning. We have also launched a residency programme for graduates, offering free space for continued creative development and access to support, advice, contacts and paid work whilst they navigate the precarity of a fledgling freelance career.
Originally R.A.R.A. served to give redundant architects a reason to leave the house, do something creative, brew and drink beer, today it gives anyone the chance to experiment with materials, tools, processes and ideas and break free from the alienation of the 9 to 5.​
You can read a more detailed explanation of R.A.R.A. and its story here.