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RARA Graduate Residencies

In July this year R.A.R.A. launched a residency for recent graduates. Aiming to provide the access to creative space and facilities lost upon graduation and, in doing so, enable a transition from formal education to freelance creative practice. While initially planning on offering two or three free desk spaces after we received a huge number of applications from an impressive range of talented designers and makers we decided to expand this offer to include an extra 14 discounted memberships.


After a two week delay, due to being slightly overwhelmed by the number of applicants, on the 15th of August we announced the 17 residents:




Lottie Macaskill - Fine Art and History of Art from the university of Leeds previously completed a foundation year in 3D and Spatial Design at Camberwell College of Arts.


Motong Yang - Architectural and Interdisciplinary studies at the Bartlett School of Architecture.


Heba Tabidi - Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Bath and founder of Spaceblack collective





Leo Sixsmith - MA Architecture from the London School of Architecture


Katrina Galea - MA Architecture from University of Westminster 


Anya Palamartschuk - Fine Art Sculpture University of Brighton


Simon Ballester - BA Architectural Association 


Stefania Atzei - Furniture and Product Design at London Metropolitan University 


Daniel Norman - BA Architecture at the Royal College of Art


Xappho Paterson - Furniture and Product Design at London Metropolitan University


Joseph Sergi - Sound Arts and Creative Computing London College of Communication (UAL)


Louis O'shea - 3D Design and Craft University of Brighton


Tom Phillips - MA Product & Furniture Design Kingston School of Art


Benedetta Ficarelli - Urban Design and City Planning at the Bartlett School of Architecture


Matthew Beck - MA Architecture University of Dublin


Pandora Chau - BA Fashion Knitwear Design & Knitted Textile Nottingham Trent University


Temi Fajobi - BA Product design Nottingham Trent University


A huge cohort of new members from a diverse range of backgrounds, disciplines and institutions all still experimenting and at a similar stage in their careers. The potential this creates for collaboration, skill sharing and mutual support alongside further self directed learning and experimentation is incredibly exciting. We can’t wait to welcome these new members to our community on the 1st of September and what develops over the course of this year!


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